Brief Technology Description
The LUSEC Sanitation Solution is a dignified, healthy and sustainable solution to sanitation and recycling, without water. The lack of water ensures that there is no smell, nor do the parasites and pathogens survive. The hand washing basins are user friendly for all shapes and sizes. The struvite from the LUSEC is used as fertiliser. Not only does the phosphate in the struvite remain soluble but the added copper in the process protects plants from viruses and bacteria.
Next Steps Required
Demonstrations, site visits
Key Personnel
Alan Hall
Company Background
The company has 16 years sanitation experience.
Detailed Technology Description
Human effluent is separated in the pedestal. The urine is stored in watertight reservoirs and the solids dry in a ventilated chamber. Hence the death of all pathogens and parasites. The dried solids are combustible and the struvite is induced with copper to make the best fertiliser in the world
Technology Applications
Applies to all toilets. Including multi-storied buildings, private and communal ablution blocks, temporary and permanent installations. The effluent is harmless to the touch and is ideal for agriculture and gardening.
10 months of high use proved that pupils and teachers and clinic patients were satisfied with the LUSEC SANITATION SOLUTION.
Testing and Demonstration Results
The Pollution Research Group has confirmed claims that the residue is harmless.
Papers and Publications
IP Status
Provisional patents and registered designs apply.
website Lusec sanitation