Brief Technology Description
ECOLOO’s Award Winning Solutions are based on the principals of simplicity, scalability, environmental responsibility and economic viability. ECOLOO Sustainable Sanitation Technology is environmentally friendly, odourless, waterless, sewage free, energy free and hassle free as it is very easy to be installed and maintained.
Next Steps Required
We are inspired to create healthy, wealthy and yet sustainable living as we save lives and environment and reduce poverty and conflicts through the scale up of our ECOLOO solution which can solve water, sanitation, hygiene and environmental issues and prevent human waste from being flushed with valuable water creating sewage leading to water and energy consumption & carbon emission, pollution, sewage treatment plants (ST) & individual septic tanks (IST) installations.
Key Personnel
- Mr. Imad Agi – Inventor | Ecopreneur | Speaker
- Ms. Zuraina Zaharin – Adventurer | Ecopreneur | Speaker
Company Background
ECOLOO GROUP is a leading organization with HQ in Sweden and social business partners worldwide specializing in sustainable solutions related to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) towards sustainable living for all. The millions who live in conditions of poverty at the base of the pyramid, in urban slums or in refugee camps are the people are the target market. With global presence in 18 countries across all continents, ECOLOO GROUP not only produces sustainable solutions to solve WASH issues but also educates people on the importance of WASH and promotes eco social innovations to achieve sustainable development in line with United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Detailed Technology Description
- ECOLOO Sustainable Sanitation Technology is user-friendly, safe, clean, reliable, convenient, comfortable, ergonomic, ecological, economically viable, easy to install, uninstall and maintain.
- It is a stand-alone, decentralized closed loop system, odour free, water free, sewage free, chemical free, energy free, sustainable, on-site biological and organic fertilizer generating waste treatment toilet system that does not require any digging or sewage piping. Its by-product is also odour free, pathogen free and full of nutrients, perfect for organic farming.
- ECOLOO does not require water for flushing but can still use water for hygiene or cleaning purpose. By using ECOLOO, one can save gallons of clean water from being flushed into septic tank or sewage treatment plant and millions to billions of Dollars from being spent on sewage treatment and sewage transportation.
Technology Applications
ECOLOO comes in various designs and shapes i.e. standing, sitting or squatting for indoor and outdoor, rural or urban areas, public events or recreational areas, terrace houses or high rise buildings, offices or factories, schools or hospitals, camp sites or remote areas, lack of water access or disaster relief areas, floating houses or chalets, islands or beaches, low or high altitudes, on long trip buses or trains or ships or even offshore, construction sites, rest areas, events or festivals, guard houses, buses, trains, boats..etc.. It can fit any purposes in any situation or weather conditions, no digging or sewage piping or septic tank required, just plug and use. It is easy to install, be it temporary or permanent.
Over 10 million users in 18 countries are using ECOLOO toilets daily in public and crowded areas such as the lost city of Petra where toilets which don’t need any infrastructure (digging, piping, septic tank, treatment facility..etc), pollution, maintenance and water supply are very much needed and urgent. The objective was to offer tourists decent toilets in Petra especially on the main trail extending from the Siq to the Treasury. That forms only 5% (13 square KM) of the total area which is around 264 square kilometers. Our contributions to the society have been recognized as iconic and strategic by the United Nations, World CSR Congress Council, China Tourist Association & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation among others:
Testing and Demonstration Results
UNDP have purchased “ECOLOO” to be installed in places that lacked toilet facilities at UNESCO World Heritage Sites namely Dibbeen Forest Reserve, Wadi Rum Reserve and Petra Archaeological Park (PAP) in Jordan. Some units are installed on very high latitude (600 and 1200 steps above the ground). After a year, the project, authorities and tourists were so satisfied with our solution and ordered another 10 units to cope with the numbers of tourists visiting the sites.
To date, UNDP Jordan purchased 20 ECOLOO units in total during the last 2 years distributed in Petra (4+10 units), Wadi Rum Reserve (4 units) and Dibbeen Forest Reserve (2 units) with very satisfactory results. Our toilets serve roughly around 3000 visitors/day in Petra alone producing some 20 litres of concentrated liquid fertiliser/unit/day. It’s well known that Jordan is considered No.2 in the world when it comes to water scarcity & the situation is getting worse due to the Syrian crisis.
Water and Energy Savings:
With 3,000 people using ECOLOO saving 8 liters per flush per visit, within 1 year the impact would be:
Papers and Publications
- Jordan Times:
- Newsband Newspaper:
- Competitive Advantages:
- Brochure:
- Analysis & Testimonial:
- ECOLOO Video:
- ECOLOO @ Solutions Summit in New York:
IP Status
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website ECOLOO
Good morning, are your toilets available in the Garden Route?
Hello, are ecoloos installed at Rocherpan Nature Reserve on the West coast of South Africa?